I strongly suggest reviewing your auto insurance policy and coverage. Many people do not know what coverage they have or what their liability limits are, which could prove to be a costly mistake. Not having collision and comprehensive insurance coverage can be detrimental in the event of damage to your automobile. I, personally, cannot imagine not having both collision and comprehensive insurance coverage for my car even though these coverages may not be required by law.
I will discuss collision insurance in a separate blog. Comprehensive insurance coverage typically covers incidents that are not deemed to be a collision. In the event your vehicle is stolen or damaged in a non-collision, that's when comprehensive coverage comes into play, if you elected that coverage, as comprehensive coverage is not required by law in New York State at this time. Non-collision damage can include vandalism, theft, falling objects, and fire.

I recently had a large branch from a huge tree on my property fall through the sunroof of my brand new car during a storm. I cannot imagine how upset I would be if I did not have comprehensive insurance coverage. It was a baed experience even with collision and comprehensive coverage, as it was stressful, and I was without my car for almost 2 months while my car was being repaired. I was fortunate though because I elected the necessary coverage. S--t happens, and when it happens to me, I want to make sure I'm covered.